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Goals vs. Resolutions
As the New Year begins, many of us think of resolutions to work on our "bad habits" or more often, those nagging areas of concern that we...
Keren Drits, LPC, NCC

Why is my Child an Angel at School, but so Difficult at Home (or vice versa)?
Have you ever gone to a parent conference at your child's school, and the teacher tells you that your child, (the one who throws a fit...
Keren Drits, LPC, NCC

Understanding Goals of Misbehavior and How to Respond
Misbehavior is often viewed as a source of frustration for parents, however understanding the goals of misbehavior can transform how we...
Keren Drits, LPC, NCC

Cognitive-behavioral Therapy- Why is it successful for some people and not others?
Cognitive-behavioral therapy has become one of most applicable and easy to understand therapies for children, adolescents, and parents. ...
Keren Drits, LPC, NCC
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